
How to cancel MOCHE card?

  • 11 June 2021
  • 2 respostas
  • 244 visualizações

Hello, can somebody explain me how can i close my MOCHE sim-card?

I do not use it for few month already, it is blocked totally: it has no connection to the wire. When I was opening it, the guy in MEO store(Portimao, AQUA shopping center) told me that if I don’t want to use that sim anymore - I just can stop using it and thats all, I have not to pay for anything and also he said it’s active only until my 25 years. I already have 25 years, I’m not using the sim-card, but I receive emails(faturas) that i have to pay for it. And every time it’s more and more, now it’s 78 euros. I’m wondering why and what for i should pay if the sim-card is unused at all. I cannot go to the store to solve that(i saw in some other topics only this response). Is it possible to close that sim-card/count/idk how it’s called online?

Also, I am not able to open “pedido” at, as the form doesnt work at all(same thing from windows google chrome browser, iphone/ipad safari browser:


Thank you.

2 respostas

Hi! I have the same problem, I’ve been trying to terminate the service online, but the page doesn’t work, I wont let me move forward. Did you manage to close the account? and if so, how?

Thank you for any info!

Reputação 3

Hi @Andriy and @Catalina 

MOCHE tariffs have no binding contracts, so the simplest way is in the myMOCHE customer area where you go to CONTA DE CLIENTE (customer account) > PEDIDO (order) > CESSAR SERVIÇOS (stop services). If the tariff is prepaid, don't do any more money top-ups.
